How to Design a Client Experience Strategy for Your Interior Design Firm

Updated September 2023

A client experience process should be designed to serve your clients at the highest level while defining your backend operational processes. While client experience is certainly a buzzword right now, it should actually be more than just an administrative process or list of tasks to check off. When done right, the client experience should be designed to be strategic AND help you sell your services

How to design a client experience strategy for interior designers and wedding planners Dakota Design Company Operations Consulting for Interior Designers

Strategic Client Experience for Interior Designers

The process I talk about day in and day out is a strategic client experience process for interior designers who want their clients to enjoy a luxury experience and who want to work more efficiently.

What does that mean? ⁠

It means it's been designed to achieve particular goals.⁠

Here are a few things that happen when you design a strategic client experience:

→ It screens out people who aren't a good fit for your services (either they're just looking for some free advice, or they really aren't in a place to hire a designer)⁠

⁠This means you won't waste time (and money) getting on the phone with people who can’t afford you.⁠

→ It sells your design services to dream clients because you're "the only one who's sharing this much information" (that came from the mouth of one of my designer's clients)⁠

⁠This means you'll be working with clients who love your work, understand your process, and can afford your services.⁠

This has also made it possible for several of my designers to NOT EVEN have to get on the phone with prospects for their design day or consultation services because their investment guide and emails do the selling for them. 

→ It reduces questions from clients because it provides all the information they need before they even know they need it⁠

This establishes you as an expert before they even hire you.⁠

It also saves you and your team admin time.⁠

→ It defines your backend process, so you and your team can easily move clients from lead phase to onboarding to fulfillment to offboarding.⁠

⁠This means each client goes through the same process and you're not recreating the wheel Ready to have processes in your own business? Read this post for the top processes you need, then grab my Designed to Scale® Business Blueprint to have plug-n-play SOPS for interior designers.

If you are ready to have a strategic client experience process in place for your own business, check out my done-for-you Client Experience Templates for wedding planners and interior designers or my Designed to Scale® Business Blueprint: SOPs for Interior Designers and have the tools, templates, and resources for designing a streamlined business delivered to your inbox in minutes.

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