The #1 Inquiry Mistake to Avoid



I see a lot of designers who put this question on their contact form…and I think it’s a bad idea. You miss out on SO MUCH GOOD INFO and the ability to instantly determine whether a client will be a good fit. Not to mention you’re just clogging up your contact form when the goal is to make it as easy as possible for someone to submit an inquiry.

The question to ask on the phone (not in your contact form):

Have you worked with a designer before, and if so, what was your experience?



Why do I love this question so much?

Asking this question on the phone as part of your discovery call process allows you to gather so much insight into whether or not your process aligns with a potential client’s expectations.

If they respond with, "Oh, it was great! We shopped together. She brought tons of options to my house every day. She split her discount with me (🤮). We texted around the clock.", you'll know right away it’s not a good fit. You can let them know your process is very different and you’re not sure they would enjoy it because you work like a, b, c.

If they say, ‘Oh, it was not a great experience. She brought everything piecemeal. We never knew how much things would cost until after the fact. We could never get a hold of her.” This is your opportunity to sell the benefits of working with your company. 

"I think you’ll really like our process. Here's how we do it: x, y, z."

So, run over to your contact form, remove that question, and add it to your list of discovery call questions to ask prospects. (And be sure your contact form isn’t making any of these other mistakes).



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